
Front Card

I knew you were going to tap this card to test the flipping. It's fun, right? Also, you can use the arrow keys to change cards!

Collecting Lego

It is not an impulse buy, just a necessary addition to the collection!

Decaling Lego Figures

This requires intense precision and some patience. Anything to build the clone army though.


Kayaking definitely went as planned!

Playing Trumpet

I'll whip it out once and a while to play High Hopes by Panic at the Disco!

Home Lab

I have my own home lab where I love to mess around with new software, host services, and setup simulated cyber attacks.


I am a pretty good madden player, just saying!

Listening to Music

Finding new jams is a necessary addiction. I have a main genre... actually maybe I don't.

Watching Movies

Whiplash, Good Will Hunting, and Moneyball are all Top 5 movies for me and none of them are 4 or 5...

Watching Sports

I will see you in Death Valley. Geaux Tigers!!!